Here is a list of things you need to do before arriving for your appointment.
- Please do not arrive at the sleep lab before 7:30PM.
- Bring something comfortable to sleep in and any toiletry items you may need.
- If you take medications, please take them before you arrive or bring them with you.
- Please do not have any caffeinated or alcoholic beverages; only decaf or caffeine-free beverages 8-12 hours before your sleep study begins.
- Before you arrive, please bathe and wash your hair thoroughly.
- Avoid hair sprays, hair gels and body lotions.
- A regular daily activity level should be maintained the day of the study with the exception of taking a nap. Please, do not take naps the day you are to be tested.
- There will be one sleep technologist monitoring your sleep study. The test is also recorded by video camera.
- It takes approximately 30-40 minutes to apply the necessary equipment for your sleep study.
- There is a cable TV available in each private room for your entertainment while waiting to begin your test
- Generally, your sleep study will begin at approximately 10:30PM or earlier if possible. Lights are out and TVs off no later than 10:30PM, as we must try to obtain 5-6 hours of recording time to complete the procedure.
- Your study will end at approximately 6:30AM the following morning, unless you request otherwise. At that time, once your equipment is removed, you are free to get dressed and go home.
- If you are scheduled to have a Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) it will follow the overnight test starting in the morning with a series of four or five 20 minute naps. Breakfast and lunch will be provided for MSLT patients. The day test will end approximately between 3:00-4:00PM.